In this issue: |
- A Thumbnail Sketch on a very unique system: Cadillac Motor Division
- I had the pleasure one afternoon in October of touring the Cadillac plant
with Rick McCusker, DPI Systems Engineer. Cadillac's Project Leader, Terry Coyne, showed Rick and me why they selected DPI, the "Cadillac" of the factory
data collection industry, as the most capable system for their New Car Shipping operation.
- A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!! The Sales and Systems Newsletter is for DPI INTERNAL USE ONLY. Please do not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, reproduce and circulate
this newsletter (particularly the Thumbnail Sketches) to customers or prospective customers. Our customers are allowing DPI to publish these application briefs
based on an agreement that they will not be used outside DPI. The Newsletter is published for YOUR information, education and enjoyment. Please cooperate with this request in order to keep SSN in circulation.
- And now for something completely different: Merry Christmas to all (und Herzliche Weihnachten, meine Deutscher Freunden!) As a holiday season special
(and just in time for the celebrations), SSN is offering limited quantities of the famous "Factory Control Headaches?" aspirin packets from APICS. If you'd like some to hand out to customers, please let me know.
- We've added a couple of new faces since the last issue: Erle Hodges, a former Singer peddler, has joined DPI as a Sales Rep in Detroit. The Chicago
office recently welcomed Tom Ware to their staff of Systems Engineers. Newcomer Dave Vincent has been joined by Ray Burchard as a Senior Product Analyst. Welcome aboard, gentlemen!
- Have a lovely holiday season!
- On November 2-4 in Cleveland, Ohio, DPI participated in the annual American Production & Inventory Control Society convention for the third year.
In spite of the location, APICS experienced a record attendance of 3,800 participants. Approximately 30 companies exhibited their manufacturing systems
wares, including IBM (3270, 5230, & System 3), Sierra Research, Incoterm (with their new factory data collection system) and Panasonic. (Phrog: Rumor
has it that Terry Hofmann never reads the first paragraph of any SSN article.) DPI shared an impressive 60-foot booth with NCR, who exhibited their new manufacturing system, MISSION.
- Overall, DPI's exhibit was well received. The change in logo. caused a slight identity crisis ("Does NCR REALLY make data collection equipment?"),
but APICS members soon recognized DPI's attractive product line and became accustomed to the merger.
- In terms of customer and prospect awareness, we were proud to display our entire current product line: Model 153 Processor, 103/107 Multi-Function
Terminals, 102 Attendance Terminals, MIT 133 and 134 Display Stations and MIT 138 Printers. in addition, the new data sheeets (i.e., spec sheets, product
flyers, etc., etc.) were hot off the press for distribution at the convention. (Phorg: Special thanks to John McLaughlin, Marketing's illustrator, for the super graphics on the new data sheets!).
- This APICS exhibit was, by far, the most well organized and professional appearance DPI has made at a trade show. The combination of efforts from
Headquarters and the Central Region can best be described as "getting the feeling from Sunnyvale to Cleveland."