SSN 008 October 1977 - Cont |
Official Scoreboard - PINBALL '77 |
- The depressing results of Pinball '77 are in. Pinball '77, played at Building Seven on September l5, was quite a disappointment. Somehow ( because of some
sympathetic heart) an OUTSIDER from the State of California was allowed to play and picked up the title of Pinball Wizard '77. Leave it to the government!
- Competition began with 22 participants. Pinball Wizard '76, Carey "Double Bonus" Kelley, in a futile attempt to defend his title, was ousted on his
ear early in Round Three. High Point Achiever '76 Rick McCusker, was not available to defend his title. "By a fluke" (that's an official quote), Billy
Goodner, our only hope for redemption, was knocked out of competition in Round One. By another fluke (the fact that he didn't show up), Lynn Brandhorst couldn't even save us. Disgusting!
- High Point Achiever '77 was Field Engineer, Greg Schmidt, with a whopping 92,760 points. Greg, accompanied by Pubs & Training's own Charlene Kutz,
marched into Round Four with the OUTSIDER and valiantly attempted to save DPI's pinball reputation. It was close, but no cigar.
- Editorial note: SSN believes that the situation at Pinball '77 was uncalled for and unfair. We demand a rematch.
- Touché Western!! We are meeting, and will beat, the Bicentennial-Plus-One Boogie Down Bash. After APICS, there will be a bash
for all DPI folks who have not yet been mugged or abused by the Cleveland locals. It will begin Friday, Nov. 4. You must make your own way to the Windy City.
This space is dedicated to a few moments of silence to observe the passing of our old friend, the DPI logo.
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