SSN 007 September 1977 - Cont
  • Marketing's Education Task Force (ETF, or "Easy-Tuffs") finally got underway in August, consisting of a handful of field creatures and headquarters types. The basic purpose of ETF is to pull together a nucleus of informed and energetic DPI personnel to create comprehensive systems and software training programs. Bill Hill (armed with a pump and a big stick) is acting as the main resource (and swamp drainer) by letting this informed and energetic group pick his brain of all available systems knowledge.
  • Phase One of ETF is the "Information Gathering" stage. ETF members are assigned individual DCOS modules to investigate, learn, document and teach to other members of the group. Bill Hill will present basic concepts and provide guidance; however, most of the information will be self-taught or acquired through osmosis. The sessions are being recorded and transcribed to aid in pulling the information together.
SSN 008 October 1977
In this issue:
  • Farewell to an old friend
  • "Do you recognize famous DPI personalities in disguise?
  • A solicitation from the Red Baron
  • Surprised to hear from me? I was surprised to be putting out an October issue, too. This is a prime example of "quickie press". I could make a bad joke about the Halloween issue and me being a ghost writer, but I won't.
  • Again, the November issue will be late, but it should be packed full of goodies. An on-the-spot account of APICS; first-hand report of Ford Motor Co.'s vendor exhibit and introducing Doug Prensler and the brand Spanking new Toronto office.
  • A note about APICS; If you are planning to visit DPI's exhibit at APICS (November 2-4 in Cleveland), you should give me your name no later than next Friday, October 7. I will have an exhibitor's badge made for you which you may obtain via the booth during the convention. Please contact me at Extension 182 in Sunnyvale and if I'm not there, leave a message!
  • IMPORTANT: If you plan to stay in the Cleveland area overnight, make your reservation NOW. The major hotels are booked solid for that week. A raffle will be held for Room #6 of DPI's block of rooms.
  • A SPECIAL NOTE this month is the Southwestern Region's next B00gie-Down-Bash. They never learn! We turned their homes into warehouses in July and they're asking for it again. This time it's an intergalactic BOOgie bash. Wear the ceremonial garb of your native planet (what solar system is DPI in?). That's TWO, Central Region!!
