In this issue: |
- The much-requested SSN centerfold
- All new Travel and Entertainment section
- All right, you win! I won't take all of your names off the mailing list. The higher authorities would have a fit if my circulation dropped to 2! Actually,
I received a 20% return on the evaluation forms and I will do my best to implement some of the good suggestions as soon as possible.
- Due to some wild deadlines and schedules, next month's SSN (if issued at all) won't come out until the middle of October. It's quite possible that
my involvement in APICS will keep me from producing an October issue. In any case, the November issue will be out sometime in the middle of that month.
- Despite record-breaking temperatures, DPI s dedicated SE managers spent four days in Phoenix, Arizona to continue work on their respective task forces.
Bill "Sominex" Goodner and Dan Emmorey headed up the two teams of cheerful, hard-working field creatures.
- Bill Goodner and his team gets two gold stars: one for completing their project and one for staying awake. The project was to establish standards
for format and content of user specifications. The standards will ultimately be included in the SE Administrative Handbook. However, a preliminary copy
of those standards will be distributed to all SEs sometime in September, according to Mr. Goodner.
- Mr. Emmorey's team of experts, in charge of formulating the SE Handbook, divided that task into three separate manuals - An SE Policy and Procedure
Manual will cover the responsibilities of Systems Engineers; an SE Technical handbook will define system "how-to's"; and an SE Customer Indoctrination
Manual will define customer involvement as well as what a customer can expect from his very own DPI Systems Engineer. Approximately 80% of the Policy and Procedure Manual, in first draft, is complete at this time.
- Of interesting note is that several times during the meeting, the hot air generated inside was comparable to the hot air outside - Rumor has it
too, that Terry hofmann actually REFUSED to play golf (which is equivalent to Jimmy Carter refusing d peanut butter sandwich).
- Thanks to the combined efforts of the SE Managers, Special Projects Person Jim Reeder, Don Lincicome, Bill Goodner and Dan Emmorey, the interface between
the field and headquarters is working!
touché boogié |
- The Southwestern region of DPI proposes a challenge:
- "Can the Central Region meet or beat the Bicentennial-Plus-One Boogie
Down Bash the weekend immediately following the APICS convention in Cleveland?"
- The True Question is: Does the Central Region really have BOOGIE?