You can call the church @ 215-969-1520, if you have any questions. Pastor Joe Focht is the Senior Pastor of the church or talk to whoever you would like. If any of you listen to church radio stations, you may of heard of him or Chuck Smith who heads the Calvary Chapel Church's and is located in Costa Mesa, Calif.
Sorry to ramble on, but I get so excited about this mission. It's that same excitement that I felt for the job when I worked for DPI. I know that you know what I mean. Thanks for the support consideration and the prayers. I look forward to keeping in touch and getting to chat with you all from time to time. AOL has an phone line here in Katmandu, so as long as I am here, I will be able to e-mail. When I am in the villages they have no electricity or phone lines. I guess that's bad news and Great news.

Good-bye for now and thanks again..

God Bless and Take Care,


Sad Ending to Powerful Beginning
From: "Sharon A. Glover"
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:12:40

It's with the deepest of sorrows that I tell you that Barry passed away on Sunday, Oct 4 in Nepal. He had a heart attack. We are all still in a state of shock and are making preparation to have him returned to us. He was only there for 3 weeks beginning a new life as a lay missionary.

There is too much to try to explain at this time, but be assured that he died doing the work he wanted to do. No words can explain our grief at this time. Would you please be so kind to pass our information on to those at NCR that knew and loved Barry. If at all possible, I know that he was very good friends with Russ in Florida and please if you can pass this on to the Wicklines. Remember my kids in your prayers.

Celebration of my dad's life is ready to begin. He will be back in the States on Saturday, and we will have the service honoring him on Sunday. We would be honored by anyone who can attend. However, we do understand that it is very far away for many of you, not to worry if attending does not work for you.

The service will begin at 3:00pm on Sunday, Oct 11 at the following place:

Dean Whitmarsh Funeral Home
Fairchance, PA (about 50 miles south of Pittsburgh)
(724) 564-7465