Barry "Sparky" Glover, FE and SE extraordinaire has taken a new course in
life. His email follows. Maybe we can all help support him. No matter what your beliefs or feelings are about what he is doing, he is one
of the "good guys" of DPI and is obviously as dedicated to his new life as he was to his previous one.
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 00:58:27 EDT
Namaste Everyone! (hello/goodbye or whatever else you want to use the expression for) This is Sparky Glover saying hello from Katmandu, Nepal.
Forgot your geography? It's below China (Tibet) and above India. The Himalaya's are in Nepal. I'm over here until???? doing some Christian Missionary work.
Yes, this is the same Sparky that you all know and love (it's true, I did fry a 2103 at Beckman Instruments in LA, the first day they were on line, when I hooked the stall alarm directly on the I/O panel (I think someone
from headquarters forgot to tell me that they came out with a stall alarm box). Russ Mann was that you? Anyway, after several hours of soldering what
seemed like hundreds of ic cans to the sled chassis, we flew another 2103 down from Sunnyvale. So now you know the real story of how Sparky received his name. |
I arrived here over a week ago. I was here in the spring for a couple of weeks on a medical/church planting mission with my church and I felt the
Lord's calling to be here. This is such a poor country and Christianity is non-existent. Matter of fact, it was underground until just a couple of years
ago. Even today, religious persecution is going on. However, if people can come here and conquer Mt. Everest, then the Lord can help us get His word to His people in Nepal.
After I went back to the US in the spring, I prayed hard about the burden I felt for this place and whether it was God's calling or my own. I'm not
married so it's a little easier for me to pick up and go. However, my two married, in the last couple of years, children, and one eighteen month
granddaughter, weighed heavily on my mind. I gave my resignation notice (90 day notice) from my Regional Sales Manager job with Progress Lighting in
early June. I sold or gave away all of my furniture, car and house. So now I am totally dependent on the Lord for my existence. I am not sponsored by any
organization, but I am working with a Nepali Christian Organization that is doing some great things here already. I know that I just popped into your
life after being out of it for so long, but I'm asking that you give me your prayer support. Also, if in your prayers the Lord wants you to support me
and the mission here, I would also greatly appreciate it. It doesn't cost a lot to survive here but it does cost. If you are led to support me then
this is the way to do it. So that you can get a tax deduction, I have set it up with Calvary Chapel in Philadelphia to support me in this way. Here's
how it is done to meet the letter of the law. Make the check payable to Calvary Chapel, do not write anything in the memo portion of the check or the IRS
will not allow it as a tax deduction. Put a note attached to the check, saying the check is for Barry Glover's support and send the check along with the note to:
Calvary Chapel Church 13500 Philmont Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 ATTN: Steve Simpson (Missions)