- Bill Hill and Jim Reeder have been "reorganized" into DPI's new Special Projects Office.
- Special Projects Person Bill will be formulating a Training Program for Field S.E.'s, Publications and Training personnel, and others, on a number
of topics which he is uniquely qualified to present. Yes, Skip's rumor was correct. Special Projects Person Jim has initiated the planning of a Systems
Specification Standard, and is responsible for coordinating the resources the develop the standard.
- Field Support will continue to be handled by Larry Pappe and Dan Emmorey (welcome Dan to Field Support from Software Dev.) as well as two people who
have not yet been hired. Don Lincicome will assume the position as Acting Manager. Special Projects Person Bill will be available for limited "consulting" to Field Support when necessary. (Insert quarter, get answer?)
- TRANSLATION: The Central Regional Sales & Systems Newsletter is off and running. Chock-full of weird little men and intergalactic connotations,
Skip's newsletter provides sketches of systems problems, as well as the solutions! The Sunnyvale Critics Association has rated the periodical with a 9.2, a 9.7 and a 9.678! WOW!
- If you're interested in getting a copy of the CRSSN#1, everyone has a price, and I'm sure Skip is no exception.
PUBLICATIONS & TRAINING brought to you by: |
- Ted Spitzmiller: A one-time (1967-1972) DPI Customer Engineering instructor who has been reincarnated as the Manager of this department.
- Tom 0'Neill: An actor and self-proclaimed poet who moonlights as a technical writer.
- Gaylon (Rich) Richardson: our famous instructor who has taught just about everybody in the field everything they know.
- Roger Grainger: An instructor currently moonlighting as a Programmer.
- Dale Hunqenberg: A technical writer whose ultimate goal is to destroy the ozone layer with air freshener (to keep the smog away).
- Shirley Stough: An ex-executive secretary named by Point Loma High Class of '71 as person most likely to be reincarnated as an IBM punched card.
- Charlene Kutz: A singer who moonlights as an Editorial Assistant. (Charlene also claims she's "old news".)
- John McLauqhlin: Our new technical illustrator (replacing Stan Ketchum) whose ultimate goal is to drink all the water left in California.
- Norene Hoalievina: Our brand-new Word Processor operator and part-time Western Region secretary. Just look for the smoking keyboard: There's Norene!
- Apollo Control: A highly sophisticated state-of-the-art special purpose
DVST photomultiplier analog ONRT distributive processing system moonlighting as a Word Processor.