SSN 001 November 22, 1976 |
- This is the first issue of a new method of expediting information to the Field.. It is simply a sequentially numbered newsletter, issued as needed.
Items of generally a Technical natures received from various sources, will be accumulated and then sent to all Salesmen, Systems Engineers, and Applications Programmers.
- As we get more and better Publications, much of the information in these Newsletters will be shifted to these "official" Documents. This will also
obsolete previously issued Newsletters periodically, however, no effort is currently planned to "weed out" old info.
Ted Spitzmiller
- The Sales & Systems Newsletter is alive and living in Publications & Training! Although it has been several months since the last issue,
this newsletter will now be circulated on a regular (almost) basis.
- The Sales & Systems Newsletter is arranged by major categories of technical information (such as AIDE, DCOS, etc.). It also contains a catch-all
category for single miscellaneous items of information. Again, if clarification or additional information is needed, please contact Field Support.
- Please note that release of DDM for field use has been delayed. Any inquiries relating to applications which require DDM should be directed to Bill Henry
or Lynn Brandhorst. All documentation relating to DDM and DCOS VI Release 2 is being held pending resolution of the release date.
- Recently Software Development provided a list of definitions of terms commonly kicked around. We offer this list, With slight changes, to the Field
in an effort to help all of us talk the same language.
- 1. Software Product - A nebulous term referring to a set of "things" which are individually (and collectively) cataloqued. There are two kinds of "things";
code and documents. Size or complexity or content of software products have no meaning; if you can't smell it, touch it or taste it, it must be software.
- 2.-11. probably don't interest you by now - Bill
- SSN# 003 is a new, improved version of the heretofore dull and mundane "Systems Only" newsletter. Beginning with #003, the "Sales" end will finally
be addressed. You may notice that the format does not comply with that of the last newsletter. The Editor reserves the right to change her mind.
- Being a new and slightly naive "roving reporter", I would like to extend a plea for comments, suggestions, information, criticism, etc., regarding
this newsletter. If this is going to be an on-going, successful project, I'm going to need some help from you. I can be reached on extension 182 in Sunnyvale.
Thanks! Shirley Stough .