GARBAGE IN / GARBAGE OUT the last dog-n-pony show |
- SOB! I couldn't do it. I coudn't 1eave without dropping one last off color publication on your windshields. A conglomeration it will be - a tribute
to every experience I've shared with you in 4-1/2 years. In advance, forgive my wordiness - an old woman must have her memories.
- The explanation of my departure comes first. It was an offer I couldn't refuse . This is the sales opportunity I've been waiting for. Totally
unsolicited, (Phrog: wipe that smile off your face, everyone of you!), the President of Bramson Publishing Company (Production Magazine) challenged
me to brinq my experience and creativity to his company. I accepted his invitation to be Western Regional Sales Manager.
- You see, I really won't be far away. I look forward to continuing to learn
from all of you. God knows, I'11 need you - as friends and as professionals.
- So, I wanted to give this last dog-and-pony show before we begin our relationships from this new perspective. Say goodbye to one era (a previous
life, quoth Lynn ) and share in my pride and excitement - you have all helped Me grow. I love you!
- "AIDE" is an acronym. It stands for: "Abrams Independenty Defined Euphoria" Abrams was one of the authors of AIDE many years ago.
- IMAGE bets not many people knew the answer, but there were probably some very creative guesses!