FEBRUARY 1978 Circulation: 400 ! - Cont
  • It appears that some of the "old hands" out in the field refuse to let well enough alone. In the past couple of months, they've been taking the P.I.s and audio cassettes offered by Training. The culprits (in order of culpritism) are:
  • Ken Pleat - Central
  • Terrie Polasky - Central
  • Tim Kiurski - Central
  • Rick Orr - Mid-Atlantic
  • Al Repp - Mid-Atlantic
  • Al Mercer - Northeast
  • Bob Yarco - Western
  • Congratulations to all of you for a job well done!   Mr. Peripheral
  • Congratulations to John Deere Dubuque Field Engineer Mark Vollmers, new Assistant Director of the John Deere Barbershop Chorus.