FEBRUARY 1978 Circulation: 400 ! - Cont
  • Three individuals joined Class 51 in late October and received an accelerated course to enable them to graduate with the others. The Better-Late-Than-Never-Comers are:
  • Tom Franks - Sundstrand, Denver, CO
  • Dave King - England
  • Pat Spahn - John Deere Dubuque, IA
  • During the first half of December, two courses on the MIT 130 Subsystem and on the Univac Card Punch were conducted simultaneously. The MIT course was instructed by Ray Jensen, Larry Perkins and Ken McDaniel of the Sunnyvale Training staff. Buck Swofford, a Service Manager from the Mid-Atlantic region, shared his expertise on the Card Punch.
Attendees of the MIT presentation were:
  • Mary Dibble - Continuation from Class 51
  • Bob Graves - Continuation from Class 51
  • Dean Grossnickle - Continuation from Class 51
  • Marty Murray - Continuation from Class 51
  • Wolfgang Oeschner - Continuation from Class 51
  • Guido Zimmerman - Continuation from Class 51
  • John Miller - Arnold Engineering, Marengo, IL
  • Al Sidell - AC Spark Plug, Flint, MI
  • Richard Ross - Carpenter Technology, Reading, PA
Attending the Card Punch presentation were:
  • Ray Gerlach - Caterpillar, E. Peoria, IL
  • Perry Granum - Pan American Airlines, NY
  • Charles Langjahr - Pan American Airlines, NY
  • Mel Stewart - TRW Valve, Cleveland, OH
  • Dave Westfall - Westinghouse, Baltimore, MD
  • Bill Stibich - Naval Weapons, Louisville, KY
  • Russ Parr - Technical Support Staff, Sunnyvale
  • Larry Perkins - Training Staff, Sunnyvale
  • A special comment: The Card Punch course prompted many favorable comments on Buck's thorough presentation of the material. Buck, your contribution to the overall training effort is very much appreciated.