From: Carl Bell To: Bill Hill Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 16:47:48 EDT Subject: Re: Katrina and Email addresses
Bill have you heard from Carol Smithson recently? The reason I asked is
that she was in the path of the last storms that hit Florida.
Carl Bell |
From: Greg Ewald To: William C Hill Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 6:04 PM Subject: Re: Katrina and Email addresses br>All,
I recieved a call from Don Villarubia this morning. He is in Lafayette, LA. He got out of NO just before the hurricane and went to Jacksonville,
FL for about 5 days. He is now renting a house in Lafayette and when he called me, he was on his way to Metairie to get some stuff out of their house. The
house has water damage and will need to replace some sheetrock, but it sounds like he fared well. He doesn't think they will be back home for about 5 weeks to allow for
cleanup, get electricity, sewer, etc.
He said he was talking to Teddy Lumpert when the hurricane was hitting, but hasn't talked to him since. Didn't know how Ken was doing, but he was
probably out of harm's way in Alabama.
If I hear anything more I'll send another e-mail.
I'm doing 10-12/day in the warehouse, so am not out among the people very
much. When we go to lunch, etc. people come up to us and ask where they need to go to get assistance. It's amazing how many people are affected by this disaster.
This has been an experience and I encourage any who are able or can influence younger generations to have them volunteer for organizations like the Red
Cross in times of need. You get a totally different perspective on life and the people with whom we habitate this planet.
Greg Ewald |
From: John Yohe September 29, 2005
Didn't Mike Russell (Swamp Gas) live in New Orleans? Has anyone heard from him? |
From: Don Villarrubia September 29, 2005
I am also back in town (Metairie LA). Two of my kids live next to each other and had no serious damage. My youngest daughter had 5 inches of water
and tree damage. I have and am in the process of getting two Oaks off the rear of my house.
Ted Lumpert has called me and is fine. No phone for 3 weeks . He lost
10 of his cattle and hundereds of trees and miles of fence.
Jim Quinn had his house get 5ft of water last year in Orange Beach Fla.
This year he moved to Pensacola FL and got a 43 ft yacht sleeps 12, which had 15K damage in a early storm this year. He had it in dry dock for repairs when BIG K came and hit it with a 15 ft tidal wave. BY BY yacht.
Have not heard form Ken Krawczyk. This dial up is for the birds!!!! |
From: Don Piveral October 7, 2005
Hi Bill... Since you have been keeping us informed as to the status and comments of our friends in the New Orleans area, I thought I'd send you abit of additional info.
I have been driving a shuttle bus up here in Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, for the last 3 summers, and spending the winters in Arizona. Shelia
and I have been full time RV'ers now for over 7 years. We were finishing the driving season here on Sept 18th, and the company I work for had previously
sent 9 busses with drivers down to New Orleans on or about Sept 1st, and they were asking to be relieved for a spell, so several of us shuttle drivers
went down for 2 weeks to give them a break. I got back here to Bryce yesterday, and will be moving the rig back down to Arizona for the winter. As soon as
I get things settle I'll be going back to help out again. I should fly into New Orleans on Oct 17th for another 2 or 3 week tour. If Don V.. or others
in the area have phone numbers, my cell phone is 520-490-4415, and I'd like to touch base with them while I'm there, or have them give me a call, so we could get together.
Most of my activities during my first tour was transporting refugees from
one shelter to another, or transporting military personel to various shelters, so they could provide security for the shelter facility. I visited the Convention
Center in New Orleans, and shelters in Monroe, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, etc, as well as several Military Bases in Alexandria and the New Orleans area.
Will report additional info as to activities following my second tour.
Don P... |