Hurricane Katrina Emails
Emails received regarding Hurricane Katrina
Last update 1/14/06
From: Mick Snider
To: Bill Hill
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 19:35:09 -0700
Subject: Any word on DPI alumni in the hurricane disaster area?

Messages to Don Villarrubia and Ken Krawczyk have gone unanswered(understandably). Have you heard from them or any other alumni known to bein gulf coast area?

From: William C Hill
To: Broadcast
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 05:35:10 -0400
Subject: DPI news from the Hurricane?

Does anyone have any news from any of our DPIers in the hurricane areas?

From: Greg Ewald
To: William C Hill
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:24:16 +0000
Subject: Re: DPI news from the hurricane??

I'm in Baton Rouge working for the Red Cross. If I run into anybody, I'll let you all know.

FYI, things are not too bad here. I'm driving a fork lift in one of our major distribution warehouses. If there's anyone else in the area, give me a call. I have my cell phone @ 408 888-4000.

Lots of volunteers doing a lot of hard work to help the people of LA, MS and AL. Over 150,000 evacuess in 200+ shelters in the area. All are from different walks of life from all over the world. Many are retirees or close to it, but all have one thing in mind and that is to give what little we can for people that have lost everything.

Believe me, it's a life changing experience. This is my first disaster relief effort. I encourage any that can to try it at least once.

Take care all.
From: "Munn, Vic"
To: "William C Hill"
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 08:04:12 -0400
Subject: RE: DPI news from the hurricane???

Don't know of anyone...not been in touch lately. I was thinking about our "old" friend that use to run the Avondale Shipyard?? Wasn't that near New Orleans?

I did talk to my stepson in Orlando and he said that everyone has forgotten that Katrina came thru south FL before hitting New Orleans. He said that thousands of homes in FL are still without power. Yikes!

From: Bill HarberTo: William C Hill
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 07:44:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: DPI news from the Hurricane??

I have not heard a word from the Gulf Coast. I am now in Southern Florida, just west of Ft. Lauderdale. We had very little damage but were without electricity for 2 days. Not too bad compared to New Orleans. My prayers got out to all those in that area. Keep in touch and let us know if you hear anything new.

Bill Harber
From: Karen (Frieberg) Mimms
To: Greg Ewald
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 07:51:54 -0700
Subject: Re: DPI news from the hurricane??

Just heard about a database for is the link:
God bless you Greg and all the volunteers!
Karen (Frieberg) Mimms
From: Jim Snyder
To: Bill Hill
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:07:15 EDT
Subject: Re: DPI news from the hurricane???

My place in Florida got hit by 3 of them last year but that was nothing compared to what the people got in Louisiana and that area. This one missed my area in Florida. Have sent money to people I know in area and pray for all.

All is OK in California, would be good to hear from any-of-ya Hope to move to Florida in about 2 years.

Hope all is GREAT with you-n-yours.