March 17, 2000
With so many pictures, it takes several pages to show this party. To start, here is the list of those that signed in
(If you were there and you are not on the list email me here).
Peggy Rutherford, one of the original founders of DPI, Carol Smithson Organizer Extraordinaire,Toni Vancil, Organizer Extraordinaire II
Bill and Marge Hill, Mable Kenoyer and Guest, Marylin Henley Crawford and Guest, Betty Sample , George Richardson, Jan Smith, Tom and Pat Thompson, Mick Snider
Larry and Sharon Herndon, Bob Irwin, Pam and Lynn Brandhorst, Earle and Lani Makin, Bob Anderson, Liz Jones
Micki Cullen, Larry Bingham, Barry Boole, Greg Ewald, Judy Sterling and Guest, Rourke and Cheryl McCusker, Jack and Mary Ann Taylor, Claudia Porter
Rick and Sroison Keiner, JoAnn and Tom Pohorsky, Lennie Lovinfosse, Hank Lopez and Guest, Clyde Blanchard, Ralph Van Hine, Ray Hung, Rudy Schuet, Susan Soon
Dianne Doughorty, Gerda Weber, Alan and Joyce Wheeler, Judi Cross, Larry McGuan, Erlinda Quitevi and Jim Snyder Official Photographer Extraordinaire.

Rudy Schuet, Tom and Pat Thompson

Ralph Van Hine, Toni Vancil

Barry Boole

Larry McGuan

Claudia Porter standing, Bill Hill,
Mary Anne and Jack Taylor,
Marge Hill

Lani and Earle Makin, Claudia Porter

Sharon Herndon, Lynn Brandhorst,
Larry McGuan, Sroison Keiner,
Larry Herndon, Pam Brandhorst

Larry Herndon, Pam Brandhorst,
Mick Snider, Judy Sterling