A special feature article on potential user's evaluations of DPI systems;
-AND- A summary of the Pajaro Dunes Managers Meeting and Mid-Atlantic's User's Meeting.
- I would like to thank all two of you who returned your newsletter evaluation forms. The comments have been very beneficial (so far). For the rest of you--it's
not too late to send them to me. I'll give you one more month, then don't come crying when the format isn't as you like it (or when your name is
mysteriously removed from the mailing list). In an article to the Wall Street Journal Juty 15, 1971, NCR Corp. announced
an 86% rise in second quartet profit from last year. Second quarter net was $34.4M or $1.29 a share, up from $18.5M or 75¢ a share a year earlier.The article stated that NCR also experienced higher profits from Data Pathing,
as well as several of NCR's divisions .
- The June, 1977 Datapro update contains a feature report on data collection equipment. The results of the user survey showed DPI well above other companies
in "overall satisfaction". The weighted averages for categories such as Ease of Installation, Input, and Training, Hardware Reliability and Maintenance
indicated DPI as being far in the lead for both the 2lOO Series and the Series 150.
- It is interesting to note that, in comparison with our closest competitor, DPI controllers support almost three times as many terminals per controller. Good show!
When I came up with the idea of doing a sketch on some of DPI's real characters (of which there are MANY), the first person who came to mind was Hank Lopez, an almost-ten-year veteran. |
- Henry J. "hammer" Lopez has been through the ranks of DPI beginning in December, 1967 in Final Hardware Test. The nickname "Hammer" (given to him
by Kaiser Steel), surely comes from Hank's ambitious character. That first season with the company, he slept in CE school during the day and worked
at night. From there, he became a Diagnostic Programmer, an Applications Programmer and a Supervisor (not all at once, however).
- For the past four years, Hank has been a field creature (SE-type) in the LA office, fighting fires and keeping customers happy (usually at the 94th
Aero Squadron). "Hammer's" most recent claim to fame is the successful installation of FMC, San Jose, which is DPI's first test site for Disk Data Management.
- When he isn't working or partying, Hank is an amazing craftsman. He has built a custom kit car--an Amante (that's KIT car, not KIDDIE car). in honor
of the recent Southwestern Region Bicentennial-Plus-One Boogie Down Bash, he whipped up a portable dance floor which is in six 4'x4' wood parkay sections. (It works just fine, too.)