APRIL 1978 Circulation: 450 |
- DPI's Newest Market Penetration: Convenience Data Collection
- John Frieberg Accepts Position as Systems Engineer
- Skip McCusker Installs First Computerized Pig Farm
- You're in luck! This month you get a taste of what a blithering romantic I am. I had the good fortune to attend DPI's first Sales Training seminar.
One of the many high points was George Ream of Mack Trucks. His opinion of the basic requirements for a good salesman is summarized in an article on
page 3. I hope you can get at least a glimpse of George's colorful character and dedication to his business.
- Technical Writer Charlene Kutz has just released a new training brochure for AIDE classes. This slick little pamphlet (M-8801) contains basic curriculum
information and inserts pertaining to 1978 classes. Copies of the brochure may be obtained from the regional offices or Marketing Publications & Training.
- Congratulations Rich Richardson! Marketing's top-notch instructor has just completed ten years, two months and two weeks of service to DPI.
- Another set of data sheets is being printed. They include "INTERFACES", "7500 SERIES COMMUNICATIONS", "BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT (BDM)", "RELATIONAL
DATA MANAGEMENT (RDM)", "154 DISK PROCESSOR", and "AIDE/DCOS". I think you will be pleased with this new batch. The really fine graphics work was done
by Marketing's illustrious illustrator, John McLaughlin and his sidekick, Brent Anderson. The data sheets will be sent to regional offices hot off the press.
- By the way, I'm tired of having a good time, so I've decided to stop publishing IMAGE.