FEBRUARY 1978 Circulation: 400 ! |
- HA! I fooled you! You thought this was going to be a Sales and Systems Newsletter, didn't you? Let me introduce this year's model (insert DPI Kazooband
playing the Toyota theme song here)--IMAGE. If you look past the pretty color, you'll notice our circulation has skyrocketed from a meager 144 to 400!!
- The reason for the increase-is that FIELD ENGINEERING has subscribed to the newsletter (an obvious display of
excellent taste). In lieu of changing the name to Sales, Systems and Support Newsletter, "IMAGE" kind of stuck in my throat. Welcome to the mad world
of the Ears, Nose and Mouth of DPI, Field Engineers! Glad to have your support.
- Allow me to introduce myself. I am Shirley Stough, an eccentric technical writer in Marketing Publications & Training. I came aboard in 1974 as
an Executive Secretary and joined Pubs. & Trng. in April 1977. "Phrog Ink." is my pseudonym, and sometimes I answer to "Sister Boogie Woman." Take
your pick. you can reach me at DPI Headquarters, extension 182. I'm always open for articles, information, feedback, etc., for the newsletter. I'd love to hear from you.
- The primary objective of the newsletter is to informally communicate information relative to the sale and support of DPI systems. This periodical
is not intended to replace official publications, but to supplement those publications with up-to-date additions, changes, etc. In addition, IMAGE is your source for keeping up with DPI happenings.
- Which brings me to another subject...Guess why there wasn't a newsletter in January? Because there was NOTHING to put in it. For shame! Do you realize
how long it's been since I've had a programming or software tip? Disgusting! I'm not asking for a final draft or a perfect article; all I need is something
to get me on the right track. Let's show a little enthusiasm out there and send or phone some help to a poor, starving editor!