At the Olympic Club in San Francisco April 24, 1964 - Two days after incorporation
The attendees listed clockwise from the lower left are:
Roger Moser, attorney; Roy Score, founder; Al Galedrige, barber; John Sorci, barber; Louis piro, barber; Gary Conzelman, accountant; Mrs. Lee; E. R. Lee, investor; Mrs. Conzelman, Vincent Albanese, owner of beauty shop next door to the barber shop; ?, rice farmer; Ed Merseth, founder; Arnold Ternquist, CPA firm of Peat, Marick, Mitchell; ?, rice farmer; ?, rice farmer; ?, rice farmer; ?, rice farmer; Peggy Rutherford, founder; W. Wilkinson, CPA (he brought in the rice farmers); Toni Tadin, investor and farmer who used to bring great apricots and cherries to the plant; David Taylor, founder.
Founders not present - Jim Pike, Jim Jepson, Dave Lowe, Eric Weiss.
Notes from Peggy Rutherford:
When the needed capital for starting DPI could not be raised, Roy Score decided to go "the poor boy" approach and raised some seed money from "the barber shop and rice farmers." Most of the founders had not moved to California yet since we had just abtained the Articles of Incorporation two days before this dinner meeting.