A tornado touched down in the area of Bernado and Remington, about 3-4 miles southwest of the DPI campus on San Aleso.  The following email was received from a friend (Bill Hill's neighbor when they lived there)who lives about one mile from ground zero.
The church roof is mostly gone as far as the shingles are concerned; however no real severe structural damage.  Fortunately the Community Preschool was skipped over by the tornado. The church took the major hit as far as buildings in the area. Most of the ten houses in the immediate area on Bernardo and Plymouth drive (one block north of Remington) lost roofs and stuff out of yards but not major structural damage to walls and such. Pretty well built homes I think (earthquake design helps?). Trees in the area were uprooted or snapped off but did not do much damage to structures as they landed in the streets. The church lost a four foot diameter 90 foot tall redwood that was yanked from the ground and deposited in the parking lot and the back open garden area. Another redwood not quite as big lost it's top and branches were stripped off and sent flying for miles. The huge tree east of the church was uprooted and dropped against the east side of the church sanctuary but a steel girder building holds up well.   We probably lost 50% of the colored glass windows on the east side of the church and 35% of them in the youth center and the west side of the Sanctuary. Very little interior damage but some to the pew seats were torn by the flying glass. The carpets in part of the church must go as micro splinters of glass are embedded in them and could not be cleaned out. No one hurt although the Pastor was in her office and said it was really frightening with all the noise etc.. Nothing like the pictures out of Alabama and Georgia where houses were smashed and flattened. News coverage of course focuses on the worst things it can find.   Friends of the church who lived with in 500 feet of the church had trivial damage and no one was hurt in the event.