From: Mick Snider [mailto:mick@pitpig.com] Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:47 AM Subject: FW: Carey Kelley
Sorry I have no details at this time
from: Ratliff, Daniel E [mailto:DR128917@ncr.com] Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:06 AM To: Mick Snider Subject: FW: Carey Kelley
Sad news.............. Subject: Carey Kelley Carey Kelley died this morning at about 10:00AM. He called the Paramedics last night because he had pain in his abdomen, and apparently died from a ruptured aorta. |
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 09:17:30 -0800 From: "Crawford, Marylin" <Marylin.Crawford@sjcc.edu> Subject: Mabel Kenoyer To: billofdpi@verizon.net.
Dear Bill,
I am very sorry to say that Mabel's son Randy gave me some very sad news after Thanksgiving. He said that his Mother passed away on November 14, 2006. She had been struggling with both diabetes and kidney problems.
It was Randy's wish to have this information passed along to others who knew his Mother.
Thank you and warm regards,
Marylin Crawford
WIN Counselor Learning Disabilities Specialist San Jose City College 408-298-2181 x3584 |
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 09:54:30 From: "Lynn Brandhorst" <LDBrandhorst@msn.com>
Subject: Passing of Gene Hamby To: billofdpi@verizon.net
I just received word through Larry & Sharon Herndon that Gene Hamby
passed away on Friday of a heart attack while attending a race in Bakersfield, California. I have no information about any services or how to contact his family. --Lynn |
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 13:22:03 -0700 (PDT) From: "-" <larry_sharon@sbcglobal.net> Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Passing of Gene Hamby To: billofdpi@verizon.net
Hi Bill,
It's always hard to pass on bad news, but felt the DPI'ers would want to
know of the passing of Gene Hamby. He was at a car race in Bakersfield, CA on Fri. 10/20/06, when he passed of a heart attack.
He is survived by his immediate family, Trynieh, his wife, and two daughters
Dawn and Missy.
Arrangements are being made for his return home to San Jose and final arrangements are pending for the week of Oct. 30th. Anyone wanting to send a message can do so, at Trynieh@sbcglobal.net or the Hamby residence, 2184
Corktree Ln., San Jose, CA 95132.
Warmest regards,
Larry and Sharon Herndon |