- In today's world, the sophistication of various devices, machinery and electronics, can so specialize, that it is refreshing to realize an additional
use for something other than that originally designed into it, can be found - or at least thought to be found.
- We have reference to a conversation setween Chris Mesler, Receptionist in Building 1, and a Super Salesman.
- While awaiting his appointment with Purchasing, he asked Chris if he might not just run across the hallway and drop his dime into the machine for a
cup of coffee. She looked aghast and said "But Sir, that is no coffee machine, that is our Processors!!! (Well you can't win them all.)
- In the barn, each mule had a stall - actually a horse stall about 3 1/2 feet wide and about 9 feet long. Each animal's harness was hung on pegs on
the wall inside the stall - to the animal's right as he faced the manger. Now, when you go in to harness up a HORSE for the day's work, you go on his
harness side, the right. You push him over to the the left side, and this gives you room to pick the harness off the hooks and sling it over his back.
Not so a MULE. You go in on his left side and push him over to the side with the harness on it. Then you get smartly out of the stall, as he goes THUMP
up against the side where you were!! Then, you go in on his right side, and having lots of room, buckle him up and back him out . . . I think it took
me about six years of managing to learn to treat some people this way. Submitted by Les From
- There they sit, in the middle of the Newport News Computer Center, two DPI 2104 Processors. These machines cost the customer many many dollars and
hours of system evaluation. However, without a program these machines don't even make good bookends. Add a program and the machine comes to life and becomes a useful tool to the customer and a source of income for DPI.
- Who writes the programs? What are Programmers? DPI's programmers' educations vary from "Yeah, I finished High School" to "Maybe next year I'll start on
my Masters." Our Programmers' backgrounds vary from a registered Pharmacist, graduate of Anthropoloy, a Technician, a Pool Shark, a Mathematician and
a Clerk, to straight degreed Programmers. Character-wise, we have our resident hip activists, suburbanites (with a station wagon and a VW), hard hats, and
a programmer who is a practicing member of the "Zero Population Growth" organization (poor Judd!). Submitted by Henry J. Lopez, Applications Programmer.
- Many years later someone said that "managing programmers is like trying to herd cats!"