- Tom Taylor is in Europe right now, following up on the recent visit from the Lufthansa representatives. A very special thanks goes to the District
offices in Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Orlando and Charlotte for their great show of hospitality to our visitors. Not forgetting the headquarters personnel, you all did a tremendous Job!
- On December 9th., we said Cheerio to Bob Hedrick who headed off to England. After a brief visit with relatives back East, Bob and family will leave on
the 28th for an 18 month assignment in Brighton, England. Good luck ole boy!
- Ted Spitzmiller is sorry to see his last training class depart. He tells us they were "a good class of football players." Ah yes, who could forget
the football game at 4 o'clock in the morning that was broken up by our friendly law enforcement officers. Such wonderful memories of headquarters for you chaps!
- This week a shipment of one 2104, three 1445's and fifty 1304's is on its way to North American Rockwell thanks to our L.A. salesman - DaveLowe.
- Through the blood, sweat and tears of Bob Brash, Xerox will receive 1 processor and 32 - 1204's on their way this week.
- Newport News is upgrading their stock of DPI equipment. They have ordered two 2104's to replace their 2103's.
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