- The winner of the National Award in the first DPI Sales Contest which
ended on April 1, 1969 was Ted Lumpert.
Ted's "orders received" performance was 188% of quota. Ted's prize is a round
trip air travel for two, a double room for one week, and $100 "spending money" at either the Lake Geneva Playboy Club or a Bermuda resort location. HAVE FUN!!!
- The winner for the Eastern District Sales Contest, with orders totaling
166% of quota, was Gene Mascoli. His prize is $50, round trip travel and a double room for two at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City or a Bermuda
resort location for 2 nights.
- This month's customer spotlight is on Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp where we have 141-1204's and 4-2103's with 6360 interfaces to an IBM 360/50.
Major reasons for DPl's popularity at Grumman Aircraft are equipment performance and service support -- a credit to the fine work of our CE's:
Clyde Blanchard Donald Rhodes Mickey Snider David Wasler
- Pleasant testimony to the acceptance of DPI is reflected in this extraction from an internal training manual at AMF Beaird.
"Although DPI (Data Pathing Incorporated) is a new name to you, it is a company that has been highly successful in marketing data collection equipment; in
fact, dat collection systems is their only product. To date, they have replaced all other types of systems and have yet to be replaced by a competitor. They
come to Beaird with high credentials in the areas of reliability and up-time. From surveys that have been made, Beaird feels that this is the finest data collection equipment available."
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