- LAST month, with considerable fanfare, we announced "FEEDBACK" and printed a congratulatory letter from our president Peter Davis. This month, with
considerable regret, we have said good-bye to Mr. Davis. The events of the past month have created some concern among us, but from my vantage point I believe the situation can be likened to a midwest thunderstorm. During
the full fury of the storm, its thunder and lightning, and the downpour of rain, one could almost believe there would be no tomorrow. But after the storm has passed and the sun shines on a freshly washed world, one can enjoy
the fresh cool air and know that the storm brought new life to the land. So it is with DPI!! Just as thunderstorms are necessary to the continued production of crops in the midwest, so will the events of the last month
produce continued growth for DPI.
- Join me now in a "Welcome Aboard" salute to Mr. John Frieberg, our new President! Mr. Frieberg comes to us from Singer in Hartford, Connecticut.
For the next few weeks he will be phasing out of his present job and so will be at DPI only on Thursdays and Fridays. I, as founder of DPI and Chairman
of the Board of Directors, will be attending to the corporate duties and will maintain an office with an "open door" policy at Headquarters in Sunnyvale.
When not in the office in Sunnyvale, I will be visiting the various Field Offices and customers, so intend to be seeing each and everyone of you in the Field in the near future.
LeRoy J. Score, Chairman of the Board