Waymond (Wade) that is
Waymond sent in a contribution to our pages. Pictures of two terminals he designed and the "famous" picture of the inhabitants of Building 2 in 1970 (the photographer had to get on the roof of Bldg 1 to take the picture). For those of you who only know of Bldg 2 as being across San Aleso from Bldg 1, consider yourselves "young squirts." Until 1972, Bldg 2 was across Mathilda and south a couple of blocks.
His Terminals:

The 1216 - Maybe the best one ever

The 1223 (according to Waymond)
The 1223 may have been our aborted attempt at a Key-to-Disk terminal for keypunch replacement.
It looks a lot like an alphanumeric SDE, but I have't checked yet.