- Marketing's Education Task Force (ETF, or "Easy-Tuffs") finally got underway in August, consisting of a handful of field creatures and headquarters types.
The basic purpose of ETF is to pull together a nucleus of informed and energetic DPI personnel to create comprehensive systems and software training programs.
Bill Hill (armed with a pump and a big stick) is acting as the main resource (and swampdrainer) by letting this informed and energetic group pick his brain of all available systems knowledge.
- Phase One of ETF is the "Information Gathering" stage. ETF members are assigned individual DCOS modules to investigate, learn, document and teach
to other members of the group. Bill Hill will present basic concepts and provide guidance; however, most of the information will be self-taught or
acquired through osmosis. The sessions are being recorded and transcribed to aid in pulling the information together.
- Once this three-month phase is complete, all but a few will return to their previous lives to apply their newly-acquired knowledge in true-to-life
situations. A core group will then begin creating lesson plans for training programs and assembling complete documentation.
- ETF is being brought to you by a group of headquarters specialists. Bill Hill, of course, has been with DPI through
thick and thin since 1965. He has been involved in the development of many hardware products as well as DCOS, interfaces, SQ's and a host of other projects.
Brian Rumery, (Manager of CE Training) has tackled the job of ETF Administrative Manager in addition to being a technical working
member. Thanks to Jim Reeder for his efforts in creating the original project plans and doing all the work to obtain and set up the recording capability.
- Claudia Porter, DPI's newest Special Projects
Person is coordinating the recording and transcription of the sessions and maintaining the documentation library. She is also taking care of "mundane"
tasks for the field creatures, such as time cards, expense reports, buying linen and furniture and completely outfitting the apartments for the
out-of-towners and their families. (The field creatures add an extra "hip hip hooray" for Claudia for making them so Comfortable in their temporary
homes.) Claudia's key function, however, is to lead Bill around and keep him from falling into chuckholes.
- In attendance for Phase One from headquarters (in the blue trunks) are
Mickey Snider, Rich Richardson, Bob Spade, and Tom Thompson. Field creatures attending (in the red trunks) are
Larry Hofmann (MA), Dave Duggan (NE), Greg Ewald (Western), Bill Harber (MA) and Randy Woost (Central).
- Considering the magnitude of the Education Task Force, DPI is fortunate
to have so many creative, dedicated and knowledgeable people involved and to be receiving continued support from top management for programs of this
type. We are looking forward to being able to provide our customers with far better service due to an overall increase in systems savvy.