Is this one of the Advanced Classes?

I suspect the 2nd from the right in the front row is Ted Spitzmiller - See below.
My first trip as an employee with DPI
I had been on the payroll about 2 weeks and could identify the 2102 processor but had not had my fingers into it yet. The LA sales office was having a demo and their TTY pooped out. Les came in and asked me to take another TTY down to LAX on the next PSA flight.  Being a hotshot 24 year old with lots of IBM experience, I figured hooking up a KSR 33 couldn't be too intimidating, so off I went with the 33 and my PSA mini-skirt ticket.  Arriving at LAX, I (and my KSR 33) was met by the local sales guy (can't remember his name) and we drove to where about 30 prospective customers were waiting to see a demo. As I walked in, Roy Score announced my arrival by giving me a grand introduction. Something about "Here is one of our highly skilled Field Engineers who will have us back up and running in no-time".

I set the KSR into the console where the sales guy had already removed the "broken" one. I then proceeded to search in panic for where the two little wires coming out of the 2102 were to be secured. I had never worked with a TTY product and hadn't the slightest idea how to get the cover off! I had my back to the room of users as my face was rapidly turning a bright shade of red. Dave Lowe sensed the problem and moved in close and in a whispered voice said "You don't know how to get the cover off...ehh?". "No Sir" was my nervous reply.

He then proceeded to coach me through the process without anyone in the room becoming the wiser.
A successful end to the first of many event filled travels for DPI. Thanks Dave!
Confession by Ted Spitzmiller